Friday, July 31, 2009

We are Praise Dancers!

We are a praising dance group in Woodbridge VA. We are lovers of Christ and have a divine purpose! We are currently looking for a place to practice,and would love any feedback on the matter. Almost every church in Woodbridge has turned us down, but we are not discouraged,and we know that GOD will prevail! A dance studio is out of the question because they will require that the girls pay their fees. We are very affordable for every income,and we sponsor girls that cannot pay themselves.

We hope to dance at fundraisers,Fall Festivals,retirement homes,and any other event where the Holy Spirit leads us. WE FIRST NEED A PLACE TO PRACTICE and LEARN!!

I hope to be adding photos of GIRL'S of GRACE here as soon as we get going. I know that this is going to be one amazing blog! Until then, here are some photos of inspiration. God Bless!!!

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